We know online anonymity can be a life-or-death issue for LGBTQ+ people. That's why our App is designed to protect users' confidentiality and safety online.
Learn more about our privacy policy.We believe LGBTQ+ equality requires trans justice, refugee justice, racial justice, reproductive justice, language justice and more.
Learn more about our vetting process.We are the world’s first tech platform matching LGBTQ+ people facing persecution or discrimination with safe, independently verified resources.
View our source code and contribute.Our tech platform is 100% free for everyone to ensure safe help is always InReach.
Donate to help us to keep our platform free."This is really an awesome place."
"The Transgender Program at Northwell Health is excellent! I'm a trans man and started my hormone therapy with them. They also provided me with a letter of support for gender affirming surgery. Their lab sites also provide affirming spaces for bloodwork."
"I am a trans man in his twenties. I reached out to the Sylvia Rivera Law Project during the COVID-19 pandemic for legal help with my name and gender marker changes. They staff was very friendly. As a first step, their legal team requested my mailing address and age (over email) so they could point me in the right direction. While SRLP was not taking on new clients due to the pandemic, they shared two pro se guides on how to change your name and IDs. They also referred me to a trans lawyer who ended up representing me (this lawyer had a sliding scale fee). Working with an openly trans attorney helped to alleviate the stress around this process and make it as straightforward as possible."
By using InReach, you agree that you will not use this resource information for harmful, hate-based, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, and/or racist agendas or commentary.